Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Future Card Buddyfight: Ideal Girl, Mary Sue

There was a monster that I was always curious what is their mini form suppose to look like. That monster happens to be Center of the World, Mary Sue. I mean her mini form can't be any creepier than her regular form.
How is possible that her mini form is even creepier? The power of uncanny valley is real.

Initially the translator thought Mary Sue searches for ANY Size 2 or smaller monsters, which would have been amazing.  We could tech all those different Omni Lords (except Ziun, Tenbu, and Omnidai), tutor that Asmodai we have in our decks, or even...tutor our tutor monster.  It was not meant to be for he got the correct effect which is this:

"All Mine" When this card enters the field, you may return a size 2 or less monster from the field to the owner's hand. You may only use "All Mine" once per turn. 

While my hype took a blow at it...this is still a very great card to have.  Let me talk about the bad first:

1. It has sub-par stats

Okay okay I know sub-par stats has always been a thing in Magic World.  To be fair, 3000 attack is not bad for fighting some monsters and for Link Attacking. My only true gripe is that Ideal Girl has a crit of 1.

...Okay lame thing to hate, but I have to point out a flaw otherwise it wouldn't be fair.  However it has SO many good things going for it.

2. It is essentially an on-call Magical Goodbye 
 Her effect is basically that.  Iris the Tricker is the on call version of Oops, so naturally Ideal Girl is the on-call version of Magical Goodbye, and it is even complete with no gauge cost to summon her.  Most Magic World players know how useful Magical Goodbye is.
HA! The only people who don't play a playset of this are plebs! ...I'm one of those plebs though...

 I am sure people are aware on how useful the card is.  However, Ideal Girl can only use her ability if she's called...and only once per turn.  That does NOT diminish her role though.  The thing is that she has great utility on her.

For example...

2. We get to re-use on-call effects of certain monsters.
Now while we can use "All Mine" once per turn, that doesn't mean we cannot use other abilities.  A good example will be using the burning Dragowizards, Burning Wand and Axia.
Come on Bushi...I'll pay good money for plushies of his chibi form and others.
A neat way to score 2 points of burn damage. This is not bad at all as well.

Oh? Not feeling the burn for 2 points of burn damage?  Well how about...double asmodai power?  Yes we can even re-use the effects of Asmodai as well if we so wish.

"Let's Play!"

"Let's Dance!"

"I'm gonna take you for a ride!"
With those three Asmodais plus Ideal Girl, you can destroy 2 monsters (preferably ones with huge souls for soulguard), gain two life, or draw 2 cards (for 2 two gauge),  Not the best combos, but it is certainly useful.

Keep in mind, she targets ANY Size 2 or lower monster.  In a way, she's also...

3. Ideal Girl is like Asmodai-lite
Now Wizards have very powerful effects such as Glassart's pressure game and have good crit.  The problem is that due to our typical poor stats, dealing with center lane monsters is a hassle for us.  This is where Ideal Girl shines though.  She can temporarily open the center for us, get rid of Movers, and wreck Soulguard units.

...Think about it...a little girl is beating up Variable Cord.

"I AM INVINCIBLE!" Except he gets owned by cuddly dragons, buckets, crossbows, basic daggers, dogs, and now little girls.
She is also great at removing cards from the Soul of Size 2 or smaller monsters such as Drum, Miseria, and Astraoth. She can also remover Movers like Halberd, Brynhildr, and TK.  She is very useful for that regard.

"okay I'm convinced! I will be playing a playset of her!"

If you thought of that way, you might want to stop and REALLY think about it.  That is due to the fact that...

4. She's kinda in the wrong meta (as of right now when I typed this).
Do not get the wrong idea.  Ideal Girl is great at what she does, and has a lot of utility.  The problem is like Magical Goodbye, her targets are limited.  She won't help us out with the current meta.  Said meta, I believe, revolved around this card:
Screw you Gao! It's one thing to be a very boring MC, but you also brought one of the most degenerative impacts in the game!
In turn, that creates a meta where you need to have a monster in the center at all times, and tends to be size 3 monsters.  As a result, it diminishes Ideal Girl's usages.  It also does not help with the equippable monsters from Hero World like Kaizeron.

Ideal Girl is still very useful at what she does, and I would at least side her in.  However if I were to play Magic Mix, Asmodai is top dog.

Hmmm? No...I won't make a deck profile for a Size 3 Magic Mix.
No means NO! You can't make me!

...So how fast you guys want me to publish it?