Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Future Card Buddyfight: Ideal Girl, Mary Sue

There was a monster that I was always curious what is their mini form suppose to look like. That monster happens to be Center of the World, Mary Sue. I mean her mini form can't be any creepier than her regular form.
How is possible that her mini form is even creepier? The power of uncanny valley is real.

Initially the translator thought Mary Sue searches for ANY Size 2 or smaller monsters, which would have been amazing.  We could tech all those different Omni Lords (except Ziun, Tenbu, and Omnidai), tutor that Asmodai we have in our decks, or even...tutor our tutor monster.  It was not meant to be for he got the correct effect which is this:

"All Mine" When this card enters the field, you may return a size 2 or less monster from the field to the owner's hand. You may only use "All Mine" once per turn. 

While my hype took a blow at it...this is still a very great card to have.  Let me talk about the bad first:

1. It has sub-par stats

Okay okay I know sub-par stats has always been a thing in Magic World.  To be fair, 3000 attack is not bad for fighting some monsters and for Link Attacking. My only true gripe is that Ideal Girl has a crit of 1.

...Okay lame thing to hate, but I have to point out a flaw otherwise it wouldn't be fair.  However it has SO many good things going for it.

2. It is essentially an on-call Magical Goodbye 
 Her effect is basically that.  Iris the Tricker is the on call version of Oops, so naturally Ideal Girl is the on-call version of Magical Goodbye, and it is even complete with no gauge cost to summon her.  Most Magic World players know how useful Magical Goodbye is.
HA! The only people who don't play a playset of this are plebs! ...I'm one of those plebs though...

 I am sure people are aware on how useful the card is.  However, Ideal Girl can only use her ability if she's called...and only once per turn.  That does NOT diminish her role though.  The thing is that she has great utility on her.

For example...

2. We get to re-use on-call effects of certain monsters.
Now while we can use "All Mine" once per turn, that doesn't mean we cannot use other abilities.  A good example will be using the burning Dragowizards, Burning Wand and Axia.
Come on Bushi...I'll pay good money for plushies of his chibi form and others.
A neat way to score 2 points of burn damage. This is not bad at all as well.

Oh? Not feeling the burn for 2 points of burn damage?  Well how about...double asmodai power?  Yes we can even re-use the effects of Asmodai as well if we so wish.

"Let's Play!"

"Let's Dance!"

"I'm gonna take you for a ride!"
With those three Asmodais plus Ideal Girl, you can destroy 2 monsters (preferably ones with huge souls for soulguard), gain two life, or draw 2 cards (for 2 two gauge),  Not the best combos, but it is certainly useful.

Keep in mind, she targets ANY Size 2 or lower monster.  In a way, she's also...

3. Ideal Girl is like Asmodai-lite
Now Wizards have very powerful effects such as Glassart's pressure game and have good crit.  The problem is that due to our typical poor stats, dealing with center lane monsters is a hassle for us.  This is where Ideal Girl shines though.  She can temporarily open the center for us, get rid of Movers, and wreck Soulguard units.

...Think about it...a little girl is beating up Variable Cord.

"I AM INVINCIBLE!" Except he gets owned by cuddly dragons, buckets, crossbows, basic daggers, dogs, and now little girls.
She is also great at removing cards from the Soul of Size 2 or smaller monsters such as Drum, Miseria, and Astraoth. She can also remover Movers like Halberd, Brynhildr, and TK.  She is very useful for that regard.

"okay I'm convinced! I will be playing a playset of her!"

If you thought of that way, you might want to stop and REALLY think about it.  That is due to the fact that...

4. She's kinda in the wrong meta (as of right now when I typed this).
Do not get the wrong idea.  Ideal Girl is great at what she does, and has a lot of utility.  The problem is like Magical Goodbye, her targets are limited.  She won't help us out with the current meta.  Said meta, I believe, revolved around this card:
Screw you Gao! It's one thing to be a very boring MC, but you also brought one of the most degenerative impacts in the game!
In turn, that creates a meta where you need to have a monster in the center at all times, and tends to be size 3 monsters.  As a result, it diminishes Ideal Girl's usages.  It also does not help with the equippable monsters from Hero World like Kaizeron.

Ideal Girl is still very useful at what she does, and I would at least side her in.  However if I were to play Magic Mix, Asmodai is top dog.

Hmmm? No...I won't make a deck profile for a Size 3 Magic Mix.
No means NO! You can't make me!

...So how fast you guys want me to publish it?


Saturday, October 17, 2015

Future Card Buddyfight:itch of Illusions, Luvia the Mirage

A little while ago, I saw the sneak preview of a certain card...for Wizards.  Anyone that knows me knows I really do l favor Wizards by a ton.  Naturally I thought the card will be good. 

It is a mixed bag, and it is hard to tell illusion or fact.
[Call Cost] [Pay 3 gauge]
[Counter]【Act】 You may discard a 《Wizard》 from your hand. If you do, for this turn, give a card on your opponent's field power-2000, defense-2000 and critical-1.
During your turn, when you cast a spell, draw a card. This ability only activates once per turn.
[Double Attack
On paper, you can see why people are confused as what to make of this card. For me, I do not like it, but it does have some good points.

1. It has a useful ability.
Once per turn, if you cast a spell, you are allow to draw one card.  That is pretty cool since it will turn any spell into an Upstart Goblin hybrid.
Considering that we are Magic World Wizards, this is pretty awesome. Do note, however, that Luvia's Upstart Goblin ability only works on YOUR turn, so don't get any ideas on strange shenanigans. The thing is that it has a pretty bad ability.

2. Luvia's ability sucks so much.
I do see what they were trying to do now that Brave Machines are a thing, but think about it: we are giving up one card to WEAKEN another card.  Why do you do that Bushi?  To give you an idea on how lackluster it is, let me show you this card:
Huh...never thought I will use this.

 This card has the same stats and summoning cost as Luvia.  The difference makes it that Hearty is better in my opinion.  You are giving up one card to pop one monster card.  The tradeoff is MORE than worth it.  The worst part is that even if Lufia is better than Hearty, I sincerely doubt she will be better than these two powerhouses:

Not only are their call costs is cheaper, but they have better abilities that control the field better.  With Tempest, the guy sends monsters to the gauge, and can trigger his ability multiple times on the same turn. Champion Wrestler can target ANY card on the field, including items and set spells.

Sure they're all vulnerable to Pillar of Fire, but these two does so much more. However, she also has more usages.

3. She can make great usage of the Battlewizards

Ace and Straight, when discarded from the hand, pay 1 life to draw one card and to gauge charge for 2 respectively.  They can give you the last minute save such as Ace finding an attack null, or the Straight to give you enough gauge to oops or chillax your way out.

Incidentally, I do believe they also combo well with this card as well:
...I found out the name is based on a poem. I will need to read it now.

Ultimately I will not use this card for one reason, and that is...

4. The Call Cost is too expensive.
 Paying 3 gauge to even bring the card to the field, and with such a meh set of abilities? I am sorry, but that is not enough to win me over.  Even if you use Andy to reduce the cost, that is still too expensive. You also need to factor in that not ALL of our available spells will not go live.

Kosher is dead unless you also have The Ace out...but in this scenario, he's better in the hand.
Goodbye/Chillax/Shields are obviously best used in Opponent's turn.
Some of the Great Spells are too expensive at that point once you called Luvia.

Nice One, Never Say Never, Abra Cadabra, and the Solomon Books are the best ones. 

She does have legitimately good combos though, such as casting Auld Lang Syne, so you can have 2 cards in hand, have 10 life, and some more if you discarded Ace and Straight.

It's just that there are simpler set ups that aren't as gimmicky as Luvia's combos. I guess I shouldn't have such a problem with her.  I mean it's not like she's hard to get...

Assault of the Omni Lords - H-BT03/0004 (RRR) 

...You know what's the worst part?  I am being forced to make a deck with her in mind against my own will due to my cats.

Now if you excuse me...I need to make up a deck.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Future Card Buddyfight: Red Warrior, Road Blader

As a Magic World player, I dread whenever I face a Hero World deck. I'm sure a lot of you guys are familiar with their Monsters becoming Items, and thus they gain defense power as well right?

Fair warning: this article will have bias...namely on how it influenced me into thinking how great the card is.
This guy needs a lot of salt to clear the road you know?
This card is simply amazing at what he does. For starters, those stats are actually good, in particular his Defense power.With a Justice Will Prevail, he can stop a lone attack from Thunder Knights Bastard Dragon, Dragowizard Tempest Dragon, and base form Seiger due to having a base defensive power of 5000. Good for a Hero World player, bad for us Wizard players. Unless we have a Size 2 AND a Size 1 OR 3 Size 1s then we ain't going to hit that (unless you're one of those crazy people that run Kenjy). To be out of the "danger zone" (which I like to call when facing an equipped Superhero and the threat of Justice WIll Prevail) you have to link for 8000.

I know there are a lot of decks that can hit this threshold no problem.  It still doesn't make it any less scary though.

...I did warned that this article will be biased right?
I think this is how every Hero World player feels when their opponent can't hit them.

His on-call (or on-Transform) ability is simple, but very good. Upon setting foot on the field, he can destroy ANY Monster. It's so simple, but it works so wonderfully. Not only will it clear a center Monster so you can lay major damage on your opponent's life, but it also helps knock out Movers, pressure Monsters (like Wil Glassart), and ones that have Soul Guard. The point is that the ability is simple, and as such, it's quite versatile.

Don't worry about his Call Cost and Transform cost of 2 Gauge.  Shout-outs to Austin for teaching me and an aspiring Hero World player that Hyper Energy also happens to have the "Brave Machine" attribute. That means you can use Call Super Machine spell to search it out and gain a total of 3 gauge. Assuming you Transformed into Road Blader the same turn, you still come out with one extra gauge, and that single Gauge may allow you cast draw2 spell or summon Emergency Launch Decker Drum.

Road Blader is a good control card. I wouldn't say it's the Demon Lord Asmodai of Superheroes, but I can see why some people in my locals (of 6) will make this comparison. And as salty as I am with this card, it is reasonably cost. According to Blaise, 2 gauge should be the equivalent of 1 card, and since this thing can destroy any Monster (on-call or on-transformation) it is very powerful.

Now if you excuse me...I have some salt I need to let lose.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Future Card Buddyfight: Battle Dragon Crushing

You know what is frustrating at times? The fact that you want to playtest a new card in a totally different deck than the one you're more accustomed to. This article was originally going to be about Armorknight Ogre A, but building Armorknights is..tougher than I thought,

However I will talk about a new Danger World card that, in my opinion, should be main at 2 or more depending on your build.

Ah dragons. The things that haunt my nightmares and happen to be my mortal enemies.
For those who are not aware, Battle Dragon Crushing allows you to destroy a card for 2 Life and 1 Gauge. This card is something that Danger World definitely needed. This card is very useful, but it does have some drawbacks.

1. This card HURTS you...and it's FANTASTIC.
Generally, it is considered a bad idea to hurt yourself, real life and in card games. In the case of Danger World, hurting yourself will actually help you.

A big reason why is because of this card:
It's really painful when you have a hand full of these
Along with putting the Armorknights from the field to the soul.

Danger World players want to have more cards in the hand, because as far as I am aware of, they do not have much of a advantage engine. You know it, I know it, and the opponent knows it. That is why they will stall a Danger World player at 6 Life, to stop Survival Chance and other abilities that triggered at low life from going live.

Battle Crushing basically solves the problem. No longer can your opponent can stall you out. They now have to be weary of you playing Battle Crush so you can activate the ability. This means that if the opponent does not want certain abilities (that are triggered

Great, let activate our Draw 2 cards! Well...maybe not due to...

2. The card has a slightly high Cast Cost.
Now don't get the wrong idea. The two life cost is in my opinion really good. As I said earlier, this hurts us so we can start putting Aces in the Item's soul and start using Survival Chance.

The main issue I have is that it costs a Gauge. Yes it is one gauge, and some Danger World builds aren't that Gauge intensive, but it does impact you in more ways than one.  For the most part, the main reason you want to use Battle Dragon Crushing is so you can make Survival Chance live. However, since Survival Chance also costs a gauge, that means you'll be spending two Gauge for this set-up, and that is assuming you already have an item ready to use.

The gauge cost does seem significant, but it can be the difference from summoning the Demon himself.
Wait, that's the wrong devil!
Of course, and do take this with a grain of salt, my playstyle tends to call for me to conserve gauge whenever I can.

At the same time, I can see why the makers made the cost that way.

3. It destroys ANY card on the field.
Now it goes without saying, but having the ability to destroy any cards on the field is pretty handy. Fighting Dragon World with a Thunder Halberd Dragon or Crimson Battler with their Fist item? Dragon Crush it. 
Dungeon World giving you grief with Glory Seeker or a Dungeon Lord boss? Dragon Crush it.
Hero World ruining your fun with their defense? Dragon freaking Crush it.

I think you guys get the point. This can really help you out and tip the scales to your favor. It can help facing key cards on the field.

In that case, why not run more of these things?

4. Depending on your tech or build, casting it more than once can be suicidal.
Now considering the average critical of size 1 and 2 monsters is 2, then assuming no Buddy Call, you can only take a maximum of 5 hits from these guys. That's even assuming they don't have access to burn damage.
Better have Life Gain! Wait...that can't be right,..

Using Battle Dragon Crushing reduces the amount of attacks to 4. You can still fight like that though. We're called "Danger World" for a reason. There is, however, a difference between going dangerous to going suicidal. Casting it more than once means you won't be able to take many direct attacks at all unless you have Life gain cards like Armorknight Bahamut and .

Even though Danger World was given some nice defensive options like the movers Kibaltes and Jetfighter, spells like Strong Battle Wall, and Gargoyle A, you have to play your defense perfectly.

Then again it's Danger World...living life on the edge is basically our thing.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Future Card Buddyfight: New Era Great Spell, The Creation

Wow it has been over a year since I last updated this blog. At that time, I really got into a new card game Future Card Buddyfight. Good timing too, because I was getting sick of the constant power creep of Vanguard, buts that's a topic for another day.

My locals of maybe 6 sees the new cards from the set Miracle Impack. They know that I'm trying to build Wizards and suggested this one.
"Dude you'll get more gauge AND life!"

"Come on, Wizards draw like crazy, so why not use this?"

Well I did some testing on Buddyfight Area, and I...have a few problems with this card.

1. It isn't a Spell
That may seem such a minor thing, but it IS important. Due to the fact that it is not a Spell, you cannot search it with Mary Sue.

Goddamn it, why are you always creepy?

Which means you have to put 3 or 4 of The Creation in the deck to consistently see it. Well that shouldn't be a problem right?

2. What the hell is deck space?
Another issue is that the deck already has a ton of good cards to choose from. From the top of my head, the confirmed stables (in my eyes) include.

4x Magical Goodbye
4x Nice One!
4x Chillax/Solomon's Shield
4x Magic Artist Andy
3-4 x Dragowizard, Tempest Dragon

Okay that's only 19 or 20 cards out of a 50 card deck. Surely we can find room in the deck right?

Not really, because the deck tends to run about 11-13 Size 1s, 8-11 Size 2s, and the Tempests.  In short the average Wizards will run around 22-24 Monsters, but that is not taking account for this little guy.
It's cute AND a Size 0. What more could you ask?

Okay let's put this little guy into our current deck...I say 4 because a Size 0 monster is nice to have. Now at lowest, this will put the deck to 26 MONSTERS. This is before we add the 12 stable spells too. Once you add them together, we're already at 38 cards.

And there are a ton of good Spells and Items as well such as:
Great Spell, My Grandfather Clock
Key of Solomon 1st and 2nd volume
Abra Cadabra
Gunrod Bechstein
Magic Arm, Burning Fist

and a whole ton of interesting tech choices like Power Ray Maximum or Begone or Oops!

"okay," you said "but I managed to find space for it."

If you did, then congratulations. No really, I tried to think of a way to put this card in the deck without upsetting the balance already. However you will run into a potential problem.

3. What the hell will I do with all this Gauge?!
This seems like such a minor complaint, but it is possible to run into the problem. You can actually find yourself having TOO much gauge.

Theoretically Wizards should NOT have to worry about using too much gauge. We have access to Kosher for starters, we got Andy and Genjuro Saki  to help preserve our Gauge. Most of our spells costs 1 gauge, 2 at most.

Now this card isn't bad per se. For starters, it's a "Wizard" card as well, so you can use it to fuel for Grandfather Clock. Plus being an Impact card means you won't have to worry about getting it nullified by spell nulls or something like Cecelia's Disarm Spell.

Then again it really is up to the player if they want to use that card. I simply want to put my 2 cents in. As Yusei Fudo from Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds once said:
"There is no such thing as a useless card."