Sunday, December 29, 2013

Yu-Gi-Oh Deck Profile: Spellbook Magilene

I have been back to the game of Yu-Gi-Oh for about 7 or 8 months. Initially I made a HEROES deck but I wanted to make a Spellcasters deck, especially with my favorite, Dark Magician. Fast forward to current time in which I decide to make another Spellbook deck.
1x Priestess Junon
3x Spellbook Magician Batael
3x Madolche Magielene
2x Kycoo the Ghost Destoyer
2x Defender the Magical Warrior
2x Effect Veiler

3x Secrets
2x Powers
2x Starhalls
2x Wisdoms
2x Life
2x Masters
2x Towers
1x Enternity
1x Fate
1x Book of Moon
1x Dark Hole

2x Fiendish Chain
2x Mirror Force
1x Solemn Judgment
2x Starlight Road

2x Downred Magician
Gem Knight Pearl
2x Shining Elf
2x Nobleswarn Excition
2x Stardust Dragon
1x Ally of Justice Catastor
1x Black Rose Dragon

The strategy:
The idea is to take advantage that Magielene searches herself from the deck and she gets recycled if destroyed by your opponent and using Starhall to buff my Spellcasters to unholy amounts of power. This is suppose to take a full advantage of Spellbooks' ability to recycle almost endlessly.
Kycoo is there simply he doubles as a beat stick and controls the grave quite well. People are saying that Bujinns will be a tier 1 deck next format, however most of their abilities comes from banishing their monsters from the grave meaning they will have to use a Crane to stop Kycoo's attack.
Defender is a great monster to have on the field since he can use the high amounts of Spell Counters to protect the others. At the cost of 2~5 Spell Counters, your Dark Hole could turn into a Raigeki.
Priestess is there since she will be popping things and is an alternative solution.
Like all Spellbooks, they tend to have almost no way to respond to OTKs. In fact, that's the reason why I decide to main Starlight protect my cards.
The Black Rose Dragon may seem out of place, but due to Life manipulating the reborned monster's level, it's actually feasible to get her out. Typically in the early stages of the game, your only spellcaster tends to be Spellbook Magician. If I revive Effect Veiler by banishing him, she'll be a level 3 tuner and there are a lot of of level fours to do a Synchro Summoning 7.

I am forgoing a little bit of the Spellbooks' famous consistency for UNLIMITED POWER! Once you get at least 2 functioning Starhalls going, this is essentially a high powered deck which can give Spellbooks some form of aggro.

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