Saturday, October 17, 2015

Future Card Buddyfight:itch of Illusions, Luvia the Mirage

A little while ago, I saw the sneak preview of a certain card...for Wizards.  Anyone that knows me knows I really do l favor Wizards by a ton.  Naturally I thought the card will be good. 

It is a mixed bag, and it is hard to tell illusion or fact.
[Call Cost] [Pay 3 gauge]
[Counter]【Act】 You may discard a 《Wizard》 from your hand. If you do, for this turn, give a card on your opponent's field power-2000, defense-2000 and critical-1.
During your turn, when you cast a spell, draw a card. This ability only activates once per turn.
[Double Attack
On paper, you can see why people are confused as what to make of this card. For me, I do not like it, but it does have some good points.

1. It has a useful ability.
Once per turn, if you cast a spell, you are allow to draw one card.  That is pretty cool since it will turn any spell into an Upstart Goblin hybrid.
Considering that we are Magic World Wizards, this is pretty awesome. Do note, however, that Luvia's Upstart Goblin ability only works on YOUR turn, so don't get any ideas on strange shenanigans. The thing is that it has a pretty bad ability.

2. Luvia's ability sucks so much.
I do see what they were trying to do now that Brave Machines are a thing, but think about it: we are giving up one card to WEAKEN another card.  Why do you do that Bushi?  To give you an idea on how lackluster it is, let me show you this card:
Huh...never thought I will use this.

 This card has the same stats and summoning cost as Luvia.  The difference makes it that Hearty is better in my opinion.  You are giving up one card to pop one monster card.  The tradeoff is MORE than worth it.  The worst part is that even if Lufia is better than Hearty, I sincerely doubt she will be better than these two powerhouses:

Not only are their call costs is cheaper, but they have better abilities that control the field better.  With Tempest, the guy sends monsters to the gauge, and can trigger his ability multiple times on the same turn. Champion Wrestler can target ANY card on the field, including items and set spells.

Sure they're all vulnerable to Pillar of Fire, but these two does so much more. However, she also has more usages.

3. She can make great usage of the Battlewizards

Ace and Straight, when discarded from the hand, pay 1 life to draw one card and to gauge charge for 2 respectively.  They can give you the last minute save such as Ace finding an attack null, or the Straight to give you enough gauge to oops or chillax your way out.

Incidentally, I do believe they also combo well with this card as well:
...I found out the name is based on a poem. I will need to read it now.

Ultimately I will not use this card for one reason, and that is...

4. The Call Cost is too expensive.
 Paying 3 gauge to even bring the card to the field, and with such a meh set of abilities? I am sorry, but that is not enough to win me over.  Even if you use Andy to reduce the cost, that is still too expensive. You also need to factor in that not ALL of our available spells will not go live.

Kosher is dead unless you also have The Ace out...but in this scenario, he's better in the hand.
Goodbye/Chillax/Shields are obviously best used in Opponent's turn.
Some of the Great Spells are too expensive at that point once you called Luvia.

Nice One, Never Say Never, Abra Cadabra, and the Solomon Books are the best ones. 

She does have legitimately good combos though, such as casting Auld Lang Syne, so you can have 2 cards in hand, have 10 life, and some more if you discarded Ace and Straight.

It's just that there are simpler set ups that aren't as gimmicky as Luvia's combos. I guess I shouldn't have such a problem with her.  I mean it's not like she's hard to get...

Assault of the Omni Lords - H-BT03/0004 (RRR) 

...You know what's the worst part?  I am being forced to make a deck with her in mind against my own will due to my cats.

Now if you excuse me...I need to make up a deck.

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